Saturday, 24 November 2012

Its a Dogs life..........

Daisy at Doggy day care Party!
Morning World!
I must say its certainly a frosty one today, but doesn't that mean its going to be darn sunny later -I hope so as today is Saturday whey hey! Saturdays generally mean a day off from the 'day job' & a host of weekendy stuff to do.  On the list of 'Nice things to do at the weekend as well as making me feel good about myself' is taking the Doodle - Daisy for a good run out. Yes like many dog owners who have to work in the week I suffer with regular pangs of guilt as the twice daily outings she soo loves don't always happen. That said she is showered with love & even goes to 'Doggy Nursery' on Wednesdays where she plays with her canine chums & even attends Birthday parties .....I kid you not , photographic evidence above!  Anyway Saturdays also bring much research  & prep for the opening of Margo & Rita.  I'm sure you've noticed the absence of a website??  Well there was one a few weeks ago , but I managed to corrupt it after spending at least 3 days work on it......... aargghhhghh.  After only just coming out counselling  its now time to get cracking & get one up & running, should be next week in fact ( Heather, you listening?) So I look forward to seeing you on there too, where we have a few very exciting plans for you . As well as being able to get in contact with us on there , we will be asking you to sign up which will entitle you to 'Opening Offer Freebie deals' & there will also be competitions so please keep tuning in & watch this space. While I was working the other evening I caught Daisy Doodle on film, so funny! still trying to load up on here tedum tedum tedum , anyway must get cracking , who said it was a dogs life?............................. till next time M&R x

Linking to Our World Tuesday


  1. Daisy looks really funny with that hat on. Jura would never let us put a hat on his head. From Findlay

  2. That dog certainly is enjoying all that attention. Really suits the colour.

  3. Great dog!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  4. Daisy is a cute doggie. I use to have a Golden named Daisy!

  5. Daisy is adorable ~ Great shot ~ busy day post ~ ( A Creative Harbor) on Blogger ^_^

  6. What a cutie--party on! Mickie :)
